The AI player is playing quite well. Well enough, in fact, that we will need to add some personality options to dumb it down a bit if people want that.
A lot of our testing is done with the cards exposed and I sometimes laugh when it seems to make an exceptionally good play.
One hand that comes to mind, the AI flopped Aces-up and just checked it to me. I checked behind with my Queen high. The turn was a blank and the AI checked again. I decided that in a 'real' game I would take a stab here, so I did expecting the AI to check-raise me so I could fold (I tried to play as if I would without seeing his cards). Nope, he just called. The river was a queen and the AI threw out about a 2/3 pot sized bet. Wow, it let me catch up enough that I would pay off the bet in a real game. NICE!
I've also seen it bluff-raise me with nothing on scary scary boards. It will look foolish when it fails, but will work a high percentage of the time. Nice!
The current To do list is:
- AI Personalities. (Pro, Amateur, & Tourist will likely be the ones in this next version. But unconfirmed...)
- Add different blind levels and starting stack size options.
- Add (optional) blind increases
- Save the game when exiting the program.
- Fix a few bugs. (Fewer and fewer of these...)