Friday, November 7, 2008

The HDMI Video Cable Scam (or: Do You Know What DIGITAL Means?)

The other day, I was in a big computer and electronics store and saw a rack of HDMI video cables right by the entrance with prices ranging from $50 to over $100!!

This is a SCAM! Identical cables can be purchased on Amazon for $1.50 or so. There were even some used ones that were listed at $0.01. (Plus a couple bucks shipping, I assume.)

Now, some of you audiophiles may be saying "You can see and hear the difference on a better cord!" and that may be true (or may not be) for your analog equipment, but this is DIGITAL. Digital means "NUMBERS." Do you understand the difference yet? Let's look at some numbers, shall we:


Hmmm, all of those numbers have the SAME VALUE, don't they. Whether they are big or small, bold or italic, or not.
Imagine that first BIG BOLD number as coming from a top-of-the-line $100 HDMI cord and the last tiny italic one coming from a $.01 used HDMI cord. THEY HAVE THE SAME VALUE: FOUR!*
As long as that value gets through, your TV will give you the exact same image and sound.

You're welcome.

*This joke was for the ultra-geeky. If you didn't get it, just assume I said "one-hundred" and be happy that you are cooler than that.

PS: The difference in quality between HDMI and Component Video IS NOTICEABLE! And completely worth your $1.50.

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